At Community of Faith (COF), we are a community of caring individuals who are passionate about connecting with God and sharing the love of Jesus with everyone. We can't wait for you to join us!

Second Saturday Suppers
Join us for our monthly Second Saturday Supper where we gather to share a delicious home-cooked meal and connect with our neighbors. The supper is free for everyone, including you! Check out our events page for more information.
thursday Night Bible Study
Looking to learn more about Jesus and living as He calls us to live? Join us each week at 6:30 p.m. for our Bible study. Our focus is on learning from scripture and each other as we do life together. All are welcome to join us. Check out our events page for more information about our next Bible Study.

Tuesday Night Prayer Meeting
Join us each week as we come together to pray for God's favor and His will in and through our faith community. We take time to for the people in our midst and for the steps in faith we are taking to connect with our neighbors. Let's pray for each other and our community.